by Borderlands Theater Ensemble
June 17 & 18 2022
Historic Morley Ave in Downtown Nogales, AZ
6:30pm- 10pm
FREE / GRATIS (Donations Accepted / Se aceptan donaciones)
Borderlands theater presents Barrio Stories Nogales, a celebration of Nogalense history and heritage in Downtown Nogales, featuring oral histories projected onto Morely Avenue’s historic buildings, giant puppets and shadow performances, kids’ activities, food, storytelling and live music: On June 17th, Renee Goust, Los Velvets, and Los Waldos. On June 18th, The Jons, Los Nasdrovia, and Priscilla Nefftys. Experience this choose -your- own adventure theatrical festival.
El teatro Fronterizo Borderlands Theater presenta Barrio Stories Nogales, un festival teatral de historia y cultura Nogalense en Morley Avenue en el Centro de Nogales Junio 17 y 18 6:30- 10pm. Disfrute con su familia, teatro de sombra, teatro de titeres gigantes, juegos para los niños, cuentos familiares y música: Junio 17, Renee Goust, Los Velvets, and Los Waldos. Junio 18, The Jons, Los Nasdrovia, y Priscilla Nefftys.
Giant Puppet Play: 7:10 & 7:50 Las Reinas— A Nogales love story during the competition for the 1958 Riena de las Fiestas de Mayo.
Shadow Theatre: 8:00 & 8:40 Ese Trancazo— The story of Mario and Armida Villa and how through hard work, faith and community values, they started a successful business.
Oral History Video Projections: 7:30 – 10:00 The Story of Nogales— Large scale video projections on Morley Avenue’s historic buildings feature interviews with twenty Nogalenses recalling life and culture in Ambos Nogales from the 1930s to the 1970s.
Oral History: 6:40 & 8:00 Heritage Story Circle at Pimeria Alta Museum– Lifelong Nogalenses share stories of important and interesting moments in Nogales history and their own life journeys. Live and in person.
Music: Main Stage Concerts Local musicians continue the rich musical tradition of Ambos Nogales.
June 17
6:40 Los Waldos
7:30 Welcome by City of Nogales Mayor Arturo Garino
followed by Los Nasdrovia
9:05 Renee Goust
June 18
6:40 Priscilla Nefftys
7:30 Welcome by City of Nogales Council Member Liza Montiel
followed by Los Velvets
9:05 The Jons
Kids Activities: La Linea Art Studio on Morley— Art Activities for children and families.
There’s so much to experience that you can see it twice and have a different adventure each night! See you there!
About Barrio Stories Nogales
Borderlands theater presents Barrio Stories Nogales, a celebration of Nogalense history and heritage in Downtown Nogales, featuring oral histories projected onto Morely Avenue’s historic buildings, giant puppets and shadow performances, kids activities, food, storytelling and LIVE MUSIC featuring: On June 17th, Renee Goust, Los Nasdrovia and Los Waldos. On June 18th The Jons, Priscilla Nefftys, and Los Velvets. Experience this choose -your- own adventure theatrical festival.
El teatro Fronterizo Borderlands Theater presenta Barrio Stories Nogales, un festival teatral de historia y cultura Nogalense en Morley Avenue en el Centro de Nogales Junio 17 y 18 6:30- 10pm. Disfrute con su familia, teatro de sombra, teatro de titeres gigantes, juegos para los niños, cuentos familiares y música: Junio 17: Renee Goust, Los Nasdrovia, y Los Waldos. Junio 18: The Jons, Priscilla Nefftys, y Los Velvets.
Playwright Milta Ortiz
Giant Puppet Director Jonathan Heras
Shadow Theatre Director Marc David Pinate
Technical Director / Media Design Adam Cooper-Terán
Community Engagement / Production Assistant Veronica Conran
Giant Puppet Maker Zarco Guerrero
Giant Puppet Costume Designer Ivy Wahome
Barrio Stories Nogales is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts Our Town Grant, Arizona Humanities, Southwest Folklife Alliance as partner and sponsor through a grant from ArtPlace America, the University of Arizona Confluence Center for Creative Inquiry through the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fronteridades Project, the Arizona Commission for the Arts Festival Grant and Flinn Foundation Grant.